RASTKAYA will securely carry your future..

We, NECAT KAYA and EDIP KAYA have been working in the sector of freight carriage since 1993. We established the International Freight Carriage Company RASTKAYA in 2006, in order to give more effective service to our customers. We are able to perform our duties with high security. RASTKAYA International carriage oil Otomotiv import and export company has a very important place on international arena. The working principle of RASTKAYA is taking the responsibility for the freight starting from the shiping company through the final destination to the purchasing company. Following this principle, our company is able to provide the service of carrying through air, land and sea in different packages and industries. With the help of our experienced personnel, we provide the most suitable and advantageous carrying conditions with the insurance.

We are standing with you with the highest standard carriages, air and sea transport conditions.

RASTKAYA, fast, secure, guaranteed carriage

Secure carriage with RASTKAYA The freight carried by RASTKAYA are insured up to 1.5 million Euros, despite the proven fact of high security of our vehicles and the principle of secure carriage. This helps to maximize your trust in us. R|ASTKAYA has been performing the insurance cases for 34 years together with the company LUTZ ASSEKURANZ-MAKLER GMBH.

RASTKAYA will securely carry your future.

Our documentation and certificates

For more information please contuct us.

© 2007 Rastkaya Uluslararası Taşımacılık Gıda Akar. Oto. İnş. İth. İhr. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
All the written and visual materials on our website are the property of RASTKAYA.
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